This thursday, July 5th 2012 I will give a presentation at the 12th edition of Pecha Kucha (?) Cologne! I will be talking about Motion Design from a general but also subjective perspective.
The venue is Atelier Colonia, Körnerstraße 37 in the heart of Ehrenfeld, entrance fee a donation to Deutsche Aidshilfe e.V. of 5 eur is recommended and doors open at 19:30 and make sure to come early since it is not a huge venue.
Stepan Benn // Die GEMA – Das mysterioese Wesen Stefan Klabunde //11.500 km in 6:40 Min. Maike Brochhaus // haeppchenweise – Ein postpornografisches Filmprojekt Jan Uwe Fitz // Wie auch du Autor bei einem Traditionsverlag wirst
Benita Rath // Nageldesign Wasti Zueger // Kickerliebe
Uli Scheuss // Citizen Science Anand Ronghe // Breaking the band
Berti Distelrath // Visit the desert Fritz Gnad // Motiondesign
This Saturday, June 30th 2012, some of my films will be screened as part of the cultural program for this years edition of Extraschicht at Ruhr University Bochum.
There will be many more activities the whole night throughout the entire Ruhr Area, so check out the schedule.
This week, apart from exploring experimental motion design with the kinect, I will also visit this year’s Creativity and Business Convention here in Cologne, if you are there – let’s have a Kölsch!
Hey there,
On Tuesday, May 8th 2012, I will present a new audiovisual installation to accompany the 2nd screening of futureshorts Cologne at Baustelle Kalk, Kalk Mülheimer Straße 124, 51103 Köln/Cologne. The screening begins at 21h and the entrance fee is 2€.
Tomorrow I will be heading to Dresden to present my short film Schnittarbeit at the Filmfest Dresden. It will be shown twice as part of the special program “Experimente: Western in Wien”. Nice!